
Why do people use Python? Software quality (readable, reusable and maintainable) Developer productivity (is typically one-third to one-fifth the size of equivalent C++ or Java code) Program portability (Most Python programs run unchanged on all major computer platforms) Support libraries (Python comes with a large collection of prebuilt and portable functionality) Component integration (Python scripts can easily communicate with other parts of an application) Enjoyment (Easy to built-in toolset) Is Python a “Scripting Language” [Read More]

Spring Boot in Nginx server

In this technical post we will review how we can deploy a Spring Boot application using reverse proxy in a Nginx server. Please read this previous Spring Boot Setup post before continue this this information. I am using Nginx server 1.15.5 in Ubuntu 18.10. First, let’s create a new file description service in: /etc/systemd/system/spring-boot-setup.service with this information: [Unit] Description=Spring Boot Setup[Service] User=josdem Type=simple [Service] ExecStart=/bin/java -jar /opt/springboot-setup-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Restart=always StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog SyslogIdentifier=spring-boot-setup [Install] WantedBy=multi-user. [Read More]

Github Actions Remote Trigger

GitHub actions is a popular option to automate all common software workflows such as test, build and deploy. Jenkins was the most popular option for doing the same tasks; with that said, a challenge to connect two platforms will be: How to invoke GitHub action workflows from a Jenkins pipeline. In this technical post, we will go over this approach and we will describe what we need to do. The first step is to create a fine-grained token to get access with some privileges to the target GitHub repository. [Read More]


The duties of a system administrator are wide-ranging, and vary widely from one organization to another. Sysadmins are usually charged with installing, supporting, and maintaining servers or other computer systems, and planning for and responding to service outages and other problems. Other duties may include scripting or light programming, project management for systems-related projects.

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Jenkins Pipeline

In this technical post, we will review concepts we need to know in order to create and execute Jenkins Pipeline. A pipeline is an expression of our process to implement Continuous Integration, we write our process using a DSL, and this is the basic structure using Groovy #!/usr/bin/env groovy pipeline { agent any stages { stage('build') { steps { echo 'Hello World!' } } } } where: agent Instructs Jenkins to allocate an executor echo Writes simple string in the console output stage A phase in our continuous integration process steps All steps within our stage Now lets instruct to Jenkins to obtain your pipeline from Source Control Management (SCM) in this case Github [Read More]

Jenkins Shell Execution

In this technical post we will cover required configuration we need to setup in our servers in order to execute shell commands or shell scripts using jenkins. you can execute shell in jenkins as a build step like this. echo "Hello World!" Output [jenkins-sandbox] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + echo Hello World! Hello World! Finished: SUCCESS If you need to execute a shell command with root privileges sudo systemctl start jugoterapia-webflux Then you have to add jenkins user to the sudoers group /etc/sudoers [Read More]

Defining and Executing Tasks in Gradle

Gradle is an open-source build automation tool focused on flexibility and performance. Gradle build scripts are written using a Groovy or Kotlin DSL. Using DSL language you write your build script file as you write your development code. Some advantages in use Gradle are: Acelerate development productivity Build by convention Automate everything Deliver faster persuing performance Multy-module projects Reusable pieces of build logic Intelligent tasks that can check if they need to be executed or not In this post I will show you how to build software using simply but useful Gradle functionality. [Read More]

Git Basics

In this technical post we will cover the basic and essential commands in Git. Thank you Linus Torvalds for your creations and for making this developer world a best place to live. The getting started recipe echo "# git-workshop" >> git init git add git commit -m "first commit" git remote add origin git push -u origin master Where: git init Create a new git repository git add Add a new file git commit -m Commit changes from a single file git remote add Add a new remote repository git push Push your commits to remote repository Branching [Read More]

Continuous Integration & Delivery

Introduction The most important problem that we face as software professionals is this: How we deliver to users as quickly as possible? Development pipeline is, in essence, an automated implementation of your application’s build, deploy, test and releases process. The aim in the deployment pipe line is to make every part of the process if building,deploying, testing, and releasing software visible to everybody involved, aiding collaboration, it improves feedback so that problems are identified, and so resolved, as early in the process as possible, finally it enables teams to deploy and release any version of their software to any environment at will through a fully automated process. [Read More]

SOLID Principles

In object-oriented programming S.O.L.I.D is a term developed by Robert C. Martin and the intention is to describe five important software development design principles, those concepts are: S — Single Responsibility Principle O — Open-closed Principle L — Liskov Substitution Principle I — Interface Segregation Principle D — Dependency Inversion Principle Single Responsibility Principle Every class should have a single responsibility that it should entirely encapsulate. When a class has more than one reason to be changed, it is more fragile, so changing one location might lead to unexpected behavior in other places. [Read More]