Spring Boot Testing Validation

This time I will show you how create a unit testing using Spock, Spock is a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications it is highly expressive and easy to use. First you need to add Spock dependency in your build.gradle

testCompile 'org.spockframework:spock-spring'

This is the class we are going to test:

package com.jos.dem.vetlog.validator

import org.springframework.validation.Validator
import org.springframework.validation.Errors
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired

import com.jos.dem.vetlog.service.LocaleService
import com.jos.dem.vetlog.command.UserCommand

class UserValidator implements Validator {

  LocaleService localeService

  boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) {

  void validate(Object target, Errors errors) {
    UserCommand UserCommand = (UserCommand) target
    validatePasswords(errors, UserCommand)

  def validatePasswords(Errors errors, UserCommand command) {
    if (!command.password.equals(command.passwordConfirmation)){
      errors.reject('password', localeService.getMessage('user.validation.password.equals'))


Please read this post to get familiar with this previous class and validators.

package com.jos.dem.vetlog

import org.springframework.validation.Errors

import spock.lang.Specification

import com.jos.dem.vetlog.command.Command
import com.jos.dem.vetlog.command.UserCommand
import com.jos.dem.vetlog.service.LocaleService
import com.jos.dem.vetlog.validator.UserValidator

class UserValidatorSpec extends Specification {

  UserValidator validator = new UserValidator()
  Errors errors = Mock(Errors)
  LocaleService localeService = Mock(LocaleService)

  def setup(){
    validator.localeService = localeService

  void "should not validate an user command since passwords are not equals"(){
    given:"A user command"
      Command command = new UserCommand(username:'josdem',password:'password', passwordConfirmation:'p4ssword', name:'josdem',lastname:'lastname',email:'josdem@email.com')
    when:"We validate passwords"
      localeService.getMessage('user.validation.password.equals') >> 'The passwords are not equals'
      validator.validate(command, errors)
    then:"We expect valiation failed"
    1 * errors.reject('password', 'The passwords are not equals')

  void "should vaidate an user command"(){
    given:"A user command"
      Command command = new UserCommand(username:'josdem',password:'password', passwordConfirmation:'password', name:'josdem',lastname:'lastname',email:'josdem@email.com')
    when:"We validate passwords"
      localeService.getMessage(_ as String) >> 'Passwords are bad formed'
      validator.validate(command, errors)
    then:"We expect everything is going to be all right"
    0 * errors.reject('password', _ as String)

  void "should accept characters and numbers in password"(){
    given:"A user command"
      Command command = new UserCommand(username:'josdem',password:'p4ssword', passwordConfirmation:'p4ssword', name:'josdem',lastname:'lastname',email:'josdem@email.com')
    when:"We validate passwords"
      localeService.getMessage(_ as String) >> 'Passwords are bad formed'
      validator.validate(command, errors)
    then:"We expect everything is going to be all right"
    0 * errors.reject('password', _ as String)

  void "should accept dash character in password"(){
    given:"A user command"
      Command command = new UserCommand(username:'josdem',password:'pa-4ssword', passwordConfirmation:'pa-4ssword', name:'josdem',lastname:'lastname',email:'josdem@email.com')
    when:"We validate passwords"
      localeService.getMessage(_ as String) >> 'Passwords are bad formed'
      validator.validate(command, errors)
    then:"We expect everything is going to be all right"
    0 * errors.reject('password', _ as String)

  void "should accept underscore character in password"(){
    given:"A user command"
      Command command = new UserCommand(username:'josdem',password:'pa_4ssword', passwordConfirmation:'pa_4ssword', name:'josdem',lastname:'lastname',email:'josdem@email.com')
    when:"We validate passwords"
      localeService.getMessage(_ as String) >> 'Passwords are bad formed'
      validator.validate(command, errors)
    then:"We expect everything is going to be all right"
    0 * errors.reject('password', _ as String)

  void "should accept dot character in password"(){
    given:"A user command"
      Command command = new UserCommand(username:'josdem',password:'pa.4ssword', passwordConfirmation:'pa.4ssword', name:'josdem',lastname:'lastname',email:'josdem@email.com')
    when:"We validate passwords"
      localeService.getMessage(_ as String) >> 'Passwords are bad formed'
      validator.validate(command, errors)
    then:"We expect everything is going to be all right"
    0 * errors.reject('password', _ as String)


This are some important topics about the previous test class:

  1. We are defining org.springframework.validation.Errors as a Mock
  2. Also our internationalization class LocaleService is a Mock
  3. In the setup method we are assigning the mocking LocaleService to the UserValidator class
  4. Spock provides a convenient way to verify the number of times a mock method is called, in this case we are expecting that the method errors.reject('password', 'The passwords are not equals') was called once.
  5. When the method from our mock is called here localeService.getMessage('user.validation.password.equals') we will return The passwords are not equals String
  6. Spock provides a lenient type of argument matching in a mock method call is the underscore, which will match anything that is passed into it but a String. localeService.getMessage(_ as String) >> 'Passwords are bad formed'

That’s it, we did add some other tests to verify our functionality

To download the project

git clone https://github.com/josdem/vetlog-spring-boot.git
git fetch
git checkout feature/8

To run the project, please read the wiki and execute this command:

gradle bootRun -Dspring.config.location=$HOME/.vetlog-spring-boot/application-development.yml

To run only this test:

gradle -Dtest.single=UserValidatorSpec test -Dspring.config.location=$HOME/.vetlog-spring-boot/application-development.yml

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