
WebdriverIO Lighthouse

Lighthouse It is a performance tool for measuring and monitoring a website. You can run Lighthouse as Chrome extension, from the command line, or as a Node module. Coming with WebdriverIO you can use it with devtools service. In this technical post, we will go through the process to configure and use Lighthouse module as a service to run chrome devtools commands in a spec test with Mocka Framework. NOTE: If you need to know how to setup a WebdriverIO, please refer to my previous post: WebdriverIO Getting Started. Then add devtools dependency:

npm i --save-dev @wdio/devtools-service

Then edit wdio.conf.js and add devtools service to the webdriverIO configuration.

// Test runner services
// Services take over a specific job you don't want to take care of. They enhance
// your test setup with almost no effort. Unlike plugins, they don't add new
// commands. Instead, they hook themselves up into the test process.
services: ["chromedriver", "devtools"],

Now let’s create a test scenario where we can get a Lighthouse performance metrics.

const assert = require("assert")
const properties = require(`../properties/${process.env.NODE_ENV}.properties`)

describe("Loading website", () => {
  before(() => {

  it("Getting Lighthouse score", async () => {
    await browser.url(properties.website)
    await browser.getPageWeight()
    let metrics = await browser.getMetrics()
    let score = await browser.getPerformanceScore()
    console.log("metrics:", metrics)
    console.log("score: ", score)
    assert.ok(score > 0.5)

  after(() => {

You are good to execute this project with: npx wdio run wdio.conf.js --spec=test/specs/lighthouse.spec.js, and you should see those metrics in the console.

2022-04-15T19:37:43.031Z INFO webdriver: COMMAND getPageWeight()
2022-04-15T19:37:43.031Z INFO webdriver: RESULT {
   pageWeight: 1268690,
   transferred: 901469,
   requestCount: 34,
   details: {
     Document: { size: 28164, encoded: 0, count: 1 },
     Stylesheet: { size: 55228, encoded: 55228, count: 2 },
     Script: { size: 511371, encoded: 176796, count: 8 },
     Image: { size: 668272, encoded: 668272, count: 19 },
     Font: { size: 4500, encoded: 0, count: 1 },
     XHR: { size: 5, encoded: 23, count: 2 },
     Other: { size: 1150, encoded: 1150, count: 1 }
2022-04-15T19:37:43.298Z INFO webdriver: COMMAND getPerformanceScore()
2022-04-15T19:37:43.502Z INFO webdriver: RESULT 0.99
 metrics: {
   timeToFirstByte: 45,
   serverResponseTime: 45,
   domContentLoaded: 688,
   firstVisualChange: 692,
   firstPaint: 656,
   firstContentfulPaint: 656,
   firstMeaningfulPaint: 657,
   largestContentfulPaint: 876,
   lastVisualChange: 926,
   interactive: 688,
   load: 920,
   speedIndex: 845,
   totalBlockingTime: 0,
   maxPotentialFID: 16,
   cumulativeLayoutShift: 0
score:  0.99

If you want to understand in deep the meaning of these metrics, please go to the official documentation here. To browse the code go here, to download the project:

git clone git@github.com:josdem/webdriverio-workshop.git

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