
WebdriverIO Geolocation

In this technical post we will go over the process to mimic user’s geolocation using WebdriverIO along with Mocha Framework. NOTE: If you need to know how to setup a WebdriverIO, please refer my previous post: WebdriverIO Getting Started. Then add devtools dependency:

npm i --save-dev @wdio/devtools-service

Then edit wdio.conf.js and add devtools service to the webdriverIO configuration.

// Test runner services
// Services take over a specific job you don't want to take care of. They enhance
// your test setup with almost no effort. Unlike plugins, they don't add new
// commands. Instead, they hook themselves up into the test process.
services: ["chromedriver", "devtools"],

Now let’s create a test scenario where we modify our location to be in Ann Arbor Michigan, United States.

describe("Checking locations", () => {
  it("goes to Ann Arbor Michigan", async () => {
    await LocationPage.open()
    await browser.cdp("Emulation", "setGeolocationOverride", {
      latitude: 42.3173603,
      longitude: -83.6826172,
      accuracy: 1,

On LocationPage open method we are browsing this URL: https://www.where-am-i.net/ so we can get our current location. Another important method is cbp which is a custom command added to the browser that allows to call emulation setGeolocationOverride from devtools protocol, if you want to know more about this method please go here

class LocationPage {

  async open() {
    await browser.url("https://www.where-am-i.net/")

module.exports = new LocationPage()

Let’s move our location from Ann Arbor United States to Guadalajara Mexico

describe("Checking locations", () => {
  it("goes from Ann Arbor to Guadalajara", async () => {
    await LocationPage.open()
    await browser.cdp("Emulation", "setGeolocationOverride", {
      latitude: 42.3173603,
      longitude: -83.6826172,
      accuracy: 1,

    await LocationPage.clickOnLocationButton()
    await browser.pause(3000)
    await browser.cdp("Emulation", "setGeolocationOverride", {
      latitude: 20.6743943,
      longitude: -103.3874128,
      accuracy: 1,

On LocationPage.clickOnLocationButton() we are performing a click action on location button so we can update our location on the map.

const properties = require(`../properties/test.properties`)

class LocationPage {
  get locationButton() {
    return $("[id=btnMyLocation]")

  async clickOnLocationButton() {
    const button = await this.locationButton
    await expect(button).toBeExisting()
    await button.click()

  async open() {
    await browser.url(properties.url)

module.exports = new LocationPage()

And finally let’s move from Mexico to Netherlands, also please notice how here we are externalizing our values in a properties file, so we can avoid hard coding.

const properties = require(`../properties/test.properties`)
const LocationPage = require("../pageobjects/location.page")

describe("Checking locations", () => {
  it("goes from Ann Arbor to Guadalajara to Amsterdam", async () => {
    await LocationPage.open()
    await browser.cdp("Emulation", "setGeolocationOverride", {
      latitude: properties.UNITED_STATES.latitude,
      longitude: properties.UNITED_STATES.longitude,
      accuracy: properties.accuracy,

    await LocationPage.clickOnLocationButton()
    await browser.pause(properties.waitingTime)
    await browser.cdp("Emulation", "setGeolocationOverride", {
      latitude: properties.MEXICO.latitude,
      longitude: properties.MEXICO.longitude,
      accuracy: properties.accuracy,

    await LocationPage.clickOnLocationButton()
    await browser.pause(properties.waitingTime)
    await browser.cdp("Emulation", "setGeolocationOverride", {
      latitude: properties.NETHERLANDS.latitude,
      longitude: properties.NETHERLANDS.longitude,
      accuracy: properties.accuracy,
    await LocationPage.clickOnLocationButton()
    await browser.pause(properties.waitingTime)

You are good to execute this project with: npx wdio run wdio.conf.js, and you should see those geolocations in the map. To browse the code go here, to download the project:

git clone git@github.com:josdem/webdriverio-workshop.git

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