SOLID Principles

In object-oriented programming S.O.L.I.D is a term developed by Robert C. Martin and the intention is to describe five important software development design principles, those concepts are: S — Single Responsibility Principle O — Open-closed Principle L — Liskov Substitution Principle I — Interface Segregation Principle D — Dependency Inversion Principle Single Responsibility Principle Every class should have a single responsibility that it should entirely encapsulate. When a class has more than one reason to be changed, it is more fragile, so changing one location might lead to unexpected behavior in other places. [Read More]

Extreme Programming Explained

Book Introduction XP is a style of software development focusing on excellent application of programming techniques, clear communication, and teamwork which allow us to accomplish things we previously could not even imagine. XP Includes: A philosophy of software development based on the values of communication, feedback, simplicity, courage, and respect. A body of practices proven useful in improving software development, The practices complement each er, amplifying their effects. The are chosen as expressions of the values. [Read More]

Clean Code

Book Introduction Programmers create problems for themselves when they write code solely to satisfy a compiler or interpreter. Have you ever been significantly impeded by bad code? If you’re a programmer if any experience then you’ve felt this impediment many times. Indeed, we have a name for it “wading”. Attitude Most managers want good code, even when they are obsessing about the schedule. They may defend the schedule and requirements with passion; but that’s their job. [Read More]