WebdriverIO Lighthouse

Lighthouse It is a performance tool for measuring and monitoring a website. You can run Lighthouse as Chrome extension, from the command line, or as a Node module. Coming with WebdriverIO you can use it with devtools service. In this technical post, we will go through the process to configure and use Lighthouse module as a service to run chrome devtools commands in a spec test with Mocka Framework. NOTE: If you need to know how to setup a WebdriverIO, please refer to my previous post: WebdriverIO Getting Started. [Read More]

WebdriverIO with Cucumber Getting Started

WebdriverIO Is an automation framework based in NodeJS designed to support cross-browser testing and modern mobile native applications. It’s archictecture is based on plugins you can use to extend easily functionlality. WebdriverIO rely on WebDriver protocols that guarantees a true cross-browsing experience and also is a truly open source project driven by OpenJSFoundation. This time we will connect WebdriverIO with Cucumber Framework. Let’s start by installing NodeJS in our computer, I highly recommend to use NVM so you can manage different versions. [Read More]

WebdriverIO Geolocation

In this technical post we will go over the process to mimic user’s geolocation using WebdriverIO along with Mocha Framework. NOTE: If you need to know how to setup a WebdriverIO, please refer my previous post: WebdriverIO Getting Started. Then add devtools dependency: npm i --save-dev @wdio/devtools-service Then edit wdio.conf.js and add devtools service to the webdriverIO configuration. // Test runner services // Services take over a specific job you don't want to take care of. [Read More]

Applitools Getting Started

In the same way we open our eyes and analyze if an image looks good, Applitools uses Visual AI to detect changes in our website so we can identify UI defects or validate expected new functionality. In this technical post we will go over Applitools technology and how it can save us ton of time in visual components validations. NOTE: If you need to know how to setup a WebdriverIO, please refer my previous post: WebdriverIO Getting Started. [Read More]