Spring Boot in Nginx server

In this technical post we will review how we can deploy a Spring Boot application using reverse proxy in a Nginx server. Please read this previous Spring Boot Setup post before continue this this information. I am using Nginx server 1.15.5 in Ubuntu 18.10. First, let’s create a new file description service in: /etc/systemd/system/spring-boot-setup.service with this information: [Unit] Description=Spring Boot Setup After=syslog.target After=network.target[Service] User=josdem Type=simple [Service] ExecStart=/bin/java -jar /opt/springboot-setup-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Restart=always StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog SyslogIdentifier=spring-boot-setup [Install] WantedBy=multi-user. [Read More]

Playwright Reports Deployment

Playwright reports are essential in a project since they provide a quick analysis about pass/fail ratio, scenarios, browsers behaviour, logs, etc. In this technical post, we will go over two approaches to exporting reports: static HTML pages and NGINX server. NOTE: If you need to know how to setup Playwright, please refer my previous post: Playwright Getting Started. Then, let’s create a file named static.yml in your ${PROJECT_HOME}/.github/workflows directory with this content: [Read More]