
Ruby Smart Strings

You can define a single-quoted String escaped by a backslash:

a_string_with_a_quote = 'She said I\'m not going!'

You can put characters like tabs and newlines in a double-quoted string

double_quoted_string = "This is a tab: \t, and this a newline: \n"

You can use placeholders for expressions

author = 'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry'
title = 'The Little Prince'
puts "#{author} wrote #{title}"

Ruby offers a way to avoid backslash

string = %q{"Yeehaw" the cowboy yelled, I'm not going!}

Ruby can span lines

string = "one line
two lines
three lines"

Now that you have an string definition you can use some methods to manipulate it.

# Gets string size

# Concatenates other_str to str
str + other_str

# Tests str and obj for equality
str == obj

# Returns true if str is empty

# Returns a copy of str with all occurrences of pattern replaced
str.gsub(pattern, replacement)

# Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given substring
str.index(substring [, offset])

# Returns a collection with strings delimited by ','
collection = "One, Two, Three".split(',')

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